Abstract: Plant leaf images is a form of important data and information in biological science. Plant leaf disease affect in both reduction in both in quality and quantity of agriculture products. Automatic plant leaf detection is very important research topic now because our nation’s economy is based on an agriculture products. The automatic leaf detection prove number of benefits in monitoring crops and also automatically detect the leaf disease. The developed image processing technique having four steps as below: 1.The input leaf image is first converted into RGB colour transformation structure. 2.Then the green pixels are removed and masked using a specific threshold level. 3.Then the important segments are captured. 4.Finally the statistics is computed. Using this extracted segments the presents leaf disease is evaluated. Database is about 200 plant leaves of 10 different plants are used for experimental results. In India, Farmers are bearing from an issues developing from a few sorts of plant diseases. In some cases plant's specialists are likewise not ready to distinguish the infection that brings about need of acknowledgment of exact sort of sickness and thusly to product ruin if not dealt with at proper time. Thus, we ought to take the upside of accessible innovation in programmed discovery and arrangement of agrarian plants has turned out to be urgent.

Keywords: Plant Leaf Disease, colour transformation, segment, Image processing.